The original unit deemed defective will be repaired or replaced as long as you have owned the original unit and have had the regular 24 month calibration schedule since the date of purchase. Normal wear and tear, glassware* ( xray tube, collimator bulb) and wearable parts such as, hand switches, which require regular maintenance and/or replacement in order to assure the proper functioning of your unit are not covered. * Glassware comes with a 2 year warranty
5 year and 2 year Hot Swap Warranties available at a reduced rate. With the Hot Swap Warranty, DIS will send you a replacemet portable x-ray unit while your unit is being prepared. Contact Diagnostic Imaging Systems for more information.
Advanced featured High Frequency Unit
"Ultra 12040HF" for Small and Large Animal Veterinary Use
Innovative designed Ultra-Light, high frequency portable x-ray unit features automated control systems which deal with weak power supply conditions automatically. Producing consistent quality films in the field or office, even while operating on 150' extension cord. This units 1000kV 60mA output produces more x-ray MR output than ordinary lightweights.
Ultra lite: Only 25 lbs.
Ultra fast: Stifles in less than .05 seconds
Ultra powerful: 120kV / 40mA
Ultra detail: 1kV steps @ 40-120kV
Ultra accurate: Automatic line current compensation
Ultra high fequency: Twice as powerful as other 120kVp units
Ultra programmable: 16 technique memory settings
Ultra easy: Soft touch controls with digital displays
Ultra collimator: Callibrated cassette size indicator dials
Ultra compact size:13.5"L x 9.5"W x 8"H
Weight class: Ultra light weight
Weight: 25 lbs
Cabinet design: One piece with external collimator
Output power: 2.8kW
Generator: High Frequency, 70kHz inverter type
Digital display & technique selection: Kv, mAs
kVp minimum to maximum with step selection: 40-120kV 1kV step
mAs minimum to maximum with 26 step selection: .4 to 100mAs
Time minimum to maximum: .001 to 8 seconds
mA maximum: 40 mA based on kVp selected
Collimator: Cassette size indicator dials, lamp timer on during prep., off upon exposure
Laser pointer: Dual integrated laser pointers
Line power supply compensation: Dynamic two stage, automatic line voltage and current
Line power supply requirements: 120vAC
X-ray tube manufacturer: Toshiba Model D-125
Focal spot: 1.2mm
Heating unit: 50,000HU
Cooling speed: 350HU/sec.
Target angle: 16 degrees
X-ray beam aluminum filtration: 1mm A1 equivalent @ 90kV
Exposure switch two stage prep. exposure: Hand switch (optional foot switch)
Exposure cord length: 12ft
Power cord: 20ft
Tape measure: Heavy duty
Carry case size: 12"H x 13"W x 17"L
Ships complete with carrying case, H.D. tape measure, manual and technique charts
Call DIS for price, shipping and further information
Top ten reasons to purchase a Ultra- Orange portable x-ray unit
1). Automatic line current plus Line Voltage compensation, No underexposed x-rays
2). Hot swap warranty, Never down
3). 12040HF = 120kV /40mA, Highest power output of portable x-ray units available
4). Calibrated collimator cassette size indicators with dual laser pointers, No need to use light field for correct cassette to x-ray field size and proper distance indication
5). Bubble tilt angle indicators on both size of unit, Sky line views are a snap when you know the correct angle
6). Weights of the 12040kV = 25 pounds, Lightest weight line of portable x-ray units
7). 2 year no fault labor service warranties with 3 year optional available. No matter the cause, your unit is repaired with warranty coverage covered for up to 3 years.
8). Ready for any digital imager application
9). Reversible face panel for the 12040HF unit providing use on our versa view table. Small animal use is much easier with the correct vertical representation with the reversible display and reversible operator face panel.
10). Vertically integrated accessory products
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